Please write a 2-3 page final project proposal detailing the background and goal of your project. This document will be comprised of two parts.

Details and objectives

Please write 1-2 pages which describes

  1. Background
    • What problem are you addressing? Why is there a need for this project?
    • Where does your data come from? Do you already have access to it? What do your data look like?
  2. Objective
    • What will “success” look like for your project?
    • You may need more than one.
    • Potentially consider objectives for this class, as well as long term (if necessary)
  3. Approach
    • What strategies and tools will you use to reach your objective?
  4. Desired outcome
    • What does the final product look like?


Use an additional page to create a timeline. Use the timeline to describe deliverables that will be held accountable within your group. Consider creating tasks that are easily assignable within the group, with clear deadlines.