It’s an iterative process

Ranae Dietzel & Andee Kaplan

When you open a bad folder

Reproducible Research


If you have to do something once, you are going to have to do it 1000 times

If you can’t reproduce what you did, it’s impossible to find the mistakes
If you can’t reproduce what you did, it is not credible


The best thing you can do is to start every project with the goal and mindset of reproducibility.

Stop working in the dark. Realize that everything you do will eventually be seen.

Steps to reproducible research

Karl Broman, Department of Biostatistics & Medical Informatics
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Everything with a script

Organize your data and code

Organize your data and code

Organize your data and code

Organize your data and code

Write ReadMe files (component of metadata)

Automate the process

Turn scripts into reproducible reports

Turn repeated code into functions - more later

Use version control

Totally worth spending class time on file naming

Naming things

Jennifer Bryan, Statistics and Micheal Smith Labs
University of British Columbia

File names should

be machine readable
be human readable
play well with default ordering

Machine readable means

Regular expression and globbing friendly

Easy to compute on


Human Readable

Name contains info on content

Plays wells with default ordering

Put something numeric first Use YYYY-MM-DD for dates
Left pad other numbers with zeros (01 instead of 1)

Not cool to manipulate default ordering with ill intentions

Plan your naming scheme

Data Management and Sharing Snafu in Three Short Acts