Manipulating Relational DBs with SQL

Ranae Dietzel & Andee Kaplan

Manipulating Relational DBs with SQL

Using SQL for more than querying

We’ve seen SQL used to query data from a relational database. We can also use SQL to create and modify relational databases.

Data types

Type Meaning
NULL missing information or unknown.
INTEGER whole numbers; can have variable sizes such as 1, 2,3, 4, or 8 bytes.
REAL real numbers with decimal values that use 8-byte floats.
TEXT character data; maximum length of TEXT is unlimited.
BLOB binary large object that can be used to store any kind of data; maximum size of BLOBs is unlimited.

Dates are gross

SQLite doesn’t have a dedicated DATE type, though other DBMSs will. Instead, we can handle dates in three ways.

  1. TEXT - ISO8601 string format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS.
  2. REAL - Julian day numbers, days since noon in Greenwich on November 24, 4714 B.C. based on the proleptic Gregorian calendar.
  3. INTEGER - UNIX time, the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC

Create table

To create a new table in SQLite, you use CREATE TABLE statement. You cannot create a table that already exists in the current database.

CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [schema_name].table_name (
 column_1 data_type PRIMARY KEY,
   column_2 data_type NOT NULL,
 column_3 data_type DEFAULT 0,

You must include a name (that doesn’t start with sqlite_), all column names and column types. You also have the ability to contrain columns (NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY, AUTOINCREMENT, DEFAULT, UNIQUE, etc.). Lastly you can set up table contraints (like PRIMARY KEY or FOREIGN KEY).


Set up a primary key in the column or table constraints of a table definition, depending on if the key is simple (previous slide) or composite

CREATE TABLE table_name(
   column_1 NOT NULL INTEGER,
   column_2 NOT NULL INTEGER,
   PRIMARY KEY(column_1,column_2,...)

Set up a foreign key in the table contraints of a table definition.

CREATE TABLE table_name(
 table_id integer PRIMARY KEY,
 other_table_id integer NOT NULL,
        FOREIGN KEY (other_table_id) REFERENCES other_table(table_id)

Update table

Change the structure of an existing table with ALTER TABLE. SQLite gives you two ways to change a table

  1. Change the name of a table.
  2. Add a column to an existing table.
    The new column cannot have a UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY constraint. If the new column has a NOT NULL constraint, you must specify a default value for the column other than a NULL value.
ALTER TABLE existing_table
RENAME TO new_table;
ADD COLUMN column_definition;

Delete table

Remove a table from the database using SQLite DROP TABLE statement.

DROP TABLE [IF EXISTS] [schema_name.]table_name;

Update data

There are three ways to manipulate date - insert, update, and delete.

  table1 (column1, column2, ...)
  (value1, value2, ...),
  (value1, value2, ...),
  (value1, value2, ...);
UPDATE table
SET column_1 = new_value_1,
    column_2 = new_value_2


Obviously this is not the way most tables are filled (manually). There is usually a go-between the data and the database that adds the data. This is called ETL (Extract-Transform-Load).

We can do ETL from a “raw” database full of dumped .csv files into a “production” database using queries. Or, we can use DBMS that is more robust and has ETL capabilities.

INSERT INTO table_name


A view is a result set of a stored query, allows you to store a query as a named object. If data in the database changes, the view updates as well (because the stored query is rerun every time you access a view).

A view is useful because it provides an abstraction layer over tables. You can add and remove columns in the view without touching the schema of the underlying tables. Also, you can use views to encapsulate complex queries with joins to simplify the data access.

CREATE [TEMP] VIEW [IF NOT EXISTS] view_name(column-name-list) AS select-statement;
SELECT * FROM view_name;
DROP VIEW [IF EXISTS] view_name;

Your turn

Create a new database for recipes. Think about your favorite food. What ingredients go into this food? How do you cook it?

  1. Create a table that stores information about ingredients. (What does a person need to know about ingredients?)
  2. Create a table that stores information about measurement.
  3. Create a table that stores information about cooking practices (maybe name and instructions)
  4. Fill in data about your favorite food for ingredients, measurements, and practices

Your turn (cont’d)

  1. Create a table called recipe with the columns step, do, need, that encodes what you do at each step in a recipe and what you need to do it (ingredients).
  2. Fill your recipe table with your favorite recipe (using foreign keys)
  3. Create a view called recipe_read that you joins the information so that you can actually perform a selected recipe.