The Role of Dynamic Documents in Reproducibility
What is a dynamic document?
- A dynamic document incorporates changes made in your work as you work.
- Your data changes, your document changes.
- Your code changes, your document changes.
- Your story changes, your document changes. . .if you type in the new story.
Research has many moving parts
- Text for the story
- Data
- Many years
- Many people
- Many types
- Many sets
- Code
- Figures, tables
- Statistical analysis
- Software
- Bibliography
When you start a publication, you don’t always have a map of where you’re going. This usually means you also can’t provide a map of where you’ve been, even if you can give someone directions on how to get there.
A dynamic document is more than just a pretty face.
- Dynamic documents can tie together everything you have done and allow others to reproduce all or part of your work.
- A good dynamic document requires thoughtful structuring behind the scenes.
Dynamic documents are not a new idea.
When I was playing Oregon Trail, people were planning ways to tie together their text, code, and data in a way that they would not have to repeat work and others could follow what they did.
Probably so they could keep track of their Oregon Trail successes and failures.
Gentleman and Lang, 2004
Gentleman and Lang introduce the idea of a compendium as both
- a container for the elements that make up a publication
- a means for distributing, managing, and updating the collection.
Key Words: Compendium, Dynamic documents, Literate programming, Markup language, Perl, Python, R
- Elements of a dynamic document can be extracted and processed by both the author and the reader
- Elements of the compendium can be used in contexts other than the author’s original work
Compendium Elements
Gentleman and Lang define a dynamic document as an ordered composition of code chunks and text chunks.
- Code chunks are sequences of commands in some programming language.
- Perform the computations needed to produce the appropriate output
- Text chunks describe the problem, the code, the results, and often their interpretation.
- Auxiliary software is software that is used, but does not appear in the dynamic document. For example, R packages and functions.
- Transformer is the mechanism or system used to transform a dynamic document into some desired output.
Your turn

Talk with a partner about all of the components that need to go into a report or publication. Draw a concept diagram of the connections that need to be made between these components in order to produce a runnable document.
In other words, pretend knitr has not yet been invented. What needs to happen for a dynamic document to become a reality?
Gentleman and Lang
- Envisioned that not only would compendiums and dyanmic documents allow readers to recreate analyses, they would also change the way a reader interacted with the content.
- Readers would be able to go through computations as they read the work.
- Readers could explore alternative computations or parameter values.
Further motivation
- Reviewing the results of papers would no longer need to involve reworking long computations.
- Or, the results of studies would no longer need to be taken on faith.
- Implicit assumptions and mistakes can be discovered during peer review.
Literate programming
- Introduced by Knuth in 1992
- A literate program is a document that is a mixture of code segments and text segements.
- Written to be read by humans rather than a computer and organized as such.
Literate programming
- A literate program should support weaving and tangling.
- Weaving creates a document for the reader that displays code and text and output such as figures and tables.
- Tangling arranges the code chunk in a way that they are machine readable and runnable.
- Sweave (Leisch 2002) uses R and XML to execute these ideas.
Future directions
- Multi-language compendiums
- Conditional chunks to tweak documents for different audiences
- Interactivity
- Metadata
What are some barriers to the creation and use of compendiums and dynamic documents?
- In general
- For you personally

Find an article published with a compendium or dynamic document in your discipline.