Venturing into the world of data

Posted by Jordan Kersey

Future data nightmares:

Personally, I have not had the pleasure of dealing with data in any significant amount, however, at some point in the future it will happen, and I will need to be ready to combat it!

I’ve heard several accounts of how challenging dealing with data from sampling can become, and I’m hoping that by participating in this class, I can protect myself from disasterous situations in the future. Considering my folders and documents are fairly unorganized, I know I could use some better habits when it comes to files. I am terrible about naming things in a sensical and structured fashion.

Besides the orgaznization problem, I am a bit afraid of creating graphs and such with data. I feel overwhelmed just doing simple things in Excel, and therefore I know that I need practice with handling information in an electronic setting.

Essentially, I am free from real-life data nightmares, but the idea of working with data to the extent I will need to later in my career, already haunts me!

Me, thinking about data!