Posted by Ohene Akuoko
In this article I’ve learned plenty about the concepts and ways in which we normalize data relationships. First,Ive learned that Normalizations are a great and very useful technique in the instances where you want to better order and organize your data in a way that will reduce redundancies and any in consistencies. But it is not the silver bullet to data management, as it may lead to issues when retrieving datasets. Ive also didnt know the number of ways that data could be normalized and the specific steps and rules that need to be in follwed to properly advance to certain normal forms.
I also learned alot on the different forms of Normalization which all seem to be impactful to my study. In my study I can see the utilization of the 2nd,3rd and 4th normal forms.The second or third, because I have data of soil temperature and soil hydraulic conductivity providig a single fact about a key (the plot) but possibly leading to redundancy. I could use the 3rd NF to break up these relationships into different tables with the same primary key.