Posted by Rafael Martinez-Feria
So you’ve read your data into R
. You have gone through the trouble of getting familiar with the data structure, and figured out whether each variable matches the correct type (e.g. integer, factor, character, date-time, etc.). You have re-arranged it into a tidy format. You have identified and discarded some obvious outliers using conditional expressions and tried using subset()
to get rid of some non-interesting values. And now you look at your dataset and realized that you still have multiple observations (perhaps replicates) for every group in your data. So you tell yourself:
I want to calculate summary statistics for all of these different groups!
After all, analysis is all about converting data into meaningful information. But how do you go about this?
An intuitive strategy to go about this is to split your data in to unique groups, apply certain method (e.g. the computation of the mean or standard error) to the group values, and combine individual pieces into a new summarized dataset.
Wait, doesn’t this sound familiar?
Yes, in fact this principle of the SAC strategy is behind the the SQL
group by
operator previously discussed in class. For those Excel users, pivot tables work using the SAC strategy.
In the base R
world, you’d most likely use for
loops or the apply
family of functions to split-apply, and rbind()
to attach the new values to a previously created result data frame. For non programmer folk like us, there is just something unsexy about dealing with loops, list, 3d arrays, etc. Here an example for a for loop using the InsectSprays
## 'data.frame': 72 obs. of 2 variables:
## $ count: num 10 7 20 14 14 12 10 23 17 20 ...
## $ spray: Factor w/ 6 levels "A","B","C","D",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
# Create an df with NAs
(res <- data.frame(spray=unique(InsectSprays$spray), Mean = NA , SD = NA))
## spray Mean SD
## 1 A NA NA
## 2 B NA NA
## 3 C NA NA
## 4 D NA NA
## 5 E NA NA
## 6 F NA NA
for (spray in unique(InsectSprays$spray)){
res$Mean[res$spray == spray] <- mean(InsectSprays$count[InsectSprays$spray == spray])
res$SD[res$spray == spray] <- sd(InsectSprays$count[InsectSprays$spray == spray])
## spray Mean SD
## 1 A 14.500000 4.719399
## 2 B 15.333333 4.271115
## 3 C 2.083333 1.975225
## 4 D 4.916667 2.503028
## 5 E 3.500000 1.732051
## 6 F 16.666667 6.213378
Luckily the plyr
and dplyr
packages by Hadley Wickham make SAC strategy second nature, helping you focus on the important details of the computation and keep you from quarreling with the unimportant book-keeping code.
require(plyr, quietly = T)
ddply(.data = InsectSprays,
.variables = "spray",
.fun = summarise,
## spray Mean SD
## 1 A 14.500000 4.719399
## 2 B 15.333333 4.271115
## 3 C 2.083333 1.975225
## 4 D 4.916667 2.503028
## 5 E 3.500000 1.732051
## 6 F 16.666667 6.213378
We use the ddply
becasue we have a data frame as input and we want a data frame as output.
is the new iteration of the plyr
, optimized for working with data frame objects. It makes the innovation of adding the “chain” operator %>%
to make code more like a grammar structure.
require(dplyr, quietly = T)
## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:plyr':
## arrange, count, desc, failwith, id, mutate, rename, summarise,
## summarize
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
## filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
InsectSprays %>%
group_by(spray) %>%
## # A tibble: 6 × 3
## spray Mean SD
## <fctr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 A 14.500000 4.719399
## 2 B 15.333333 4.271115
## 3 C 2.083333 1.975225
## 4 D 4.916667 2.503028
## 5 E 3.500000 1.732051
## 6 F 16.666667 6.213378
To learn more about the details of the plyr
package and the SAC strategy, read Hadley Wickham’s 2011 paper