Posted by Kati Togliatti
In the talk “Towards a grammar of interactive graphics” by Hadley Wickham, he begins by talking about the need to have tidy data for data analysis. There needs to be a uniformity in your data and your data should be in a data frame with list columns, so that you can fit all of your data no matter what the type in the data frame. The tibble package can be used to make the data frames with these list columns, base R does not make it easy to make lists and so this package allows for that to be easier.
He is working on a package called ggstat so that data can be transformed just like ggplot or ggplot2 does. The pipe is discussed as something dseigned for humans because you can read it like a sentence. This was something we learned about in class and it seems to be very helpful. Wickham talks about a rule of thumb to make a function when you are copying and pasting something more than 3 times. This is a great rule of thumb and one that I need to go back and implement into some of my code.