
Posted by Ohene Akuoko

The concept of compediums interest me, after reading the intro I actually thought why isnt this common practice in disciplines. The concept itself, where all of the information are in one location and is easily avaialable to directly reproduce the conclusions of the original authors by other readers, makes sense and is in line with reproduceable research. I found this to be similiar to what we have been doing all semester just with repositories in github, which offers this same type of open sharing and updating of information by multiple users through the application of repositories.

The concepts and principles of dynamic documents solves a number of problems when it comes to producing truly reproducable published research. Other than the reproducable structure, literate programming stood out to me. It is a concept that esentially makes the dynamic document more overarching to more users as it places the code and texts used to analyze the data in a more readable form. I found this concept to be a lot like how DPLYR puts basic R code (thats made to be read by computers) in a more human readable fashion.

In my current research, dynamic documents would be a great benefit for a couple of reasons First, in my project, we will be utilizing a number of equations and computations to obtain our end values and figures. So understanding and outlining the process helps alot for any other readersor someone taking the reigns of the project in the future to excel. This project is also in some of its first years, so having all of the data collected, the code used to analyze the data and various text would greatly benefit future researchers of the project.