Stewards of Data

Ranae Dietzel & Andee Kaplan

Welcome to Data Stewardship for Earth Systems Scientists

Who are we?

Andee Kaplan is a PhD Student in Statistics with a history of working with complex data problems. From data warehousing to data science, she has spent the last seven years mastering the technology and skills necessary to store and analyze data in a reproducible way. She likes struggling with JavaScript and learning new languages, R being her first love.

Who are we?

Ranae Dietzel is a Postdoc in Agronomy in the Integrated Cropping Systems Lab. I have a Master’s in Soil Ecology from Cornell University where I studied the effects of freeze-thaw cycles on nitrous oxide emission and a PhD in Crop Production and Physiology and Sustainable Agriculture here at ISU where I studied differences in carbon dynamics between corn and prairie cropping systems. It’s been 10 years since I started grad school and began my relationship with Data.

Who are you?


You can make a horse drink

But there are better ways to treat a horse

A few reasons data stewardship is important

How to be a good data steward

Many of us need new skills to be better stewards. Some of us need a lifestyle change.

Learning curve and time

What we will learn in this course

Live in new worlds, but visit the old

Course Logistics

Everything will be at
Grades will be available on Blackboard.

Getting Help

  1. The internet
    • StackOverflow
    • Google
  2. Instructors via GitHub

Follow good question-asking practices as outlined by StackOverflow: .

Pre-course evaluation

RStudio and Rmarkdown

We won’t be learning R until the middle of the semester, but we will be using RStudio and Rmarkdown starting today!


We will use Rmarkdown to write all documents (including homework, blog posts, and grocery lists) this semester.

Class policy

Every time you feel the urge to open Microsoft Word in the class, don’t.



R Markdown documents are fully reproducible and support dozens of static and dynamic output formats.


For now, we will focus on the “markdown” part of Rmarkdown. cheatsheet


# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3

- List item 1
- List item 2
    - item 2a
    - item 2b

1. Numbered list item 1
1. Numbered list item 2
    - item 2a
    - item 2b
![alt text](path/to/image.png)

Your turn

  1. Open up RStudio
  2. Create a new Rmarkdown document (File > New File > R Markdown)
  3. Edit it in some way.
  4. Compile (Knit)
  5. Try compiling to a different format.