Pre-R Data

Ranae Dietzel & Andee Kaplan

The very beginning

Experimental design

Experimental design

Ask for advice and then actually consider what people say

Collecting data

Collecting data

Do not assume you will remember anything. Remembering indicates there is a piece of data that exists only in your head!

Collected data

Never manually change your raw data

Once you have the data, organize it according to Karl Broman’s spreadsheet data organization

Be consistent

Write dates as YYYY-MM-DD

Excel is a date monster

Be very, very careful.

Fill in all of the cells

Put just one thing in a cell

Make it a rectangle

More on tidy data later

Create a data dictionary

No calculations in raw data files

Don’t use font color or highlighting as data

Choose good names for things

Make backups

Save data in plain text files

If you have a lot of tabs or files, maybe you should be using a database. We will talk about these next week!

Spreadsheet cautionary tales

Washington Post

Spreadsheet cautionary tales

Genome Biology

Further resources

Jenny Bryan’s Spreadsheet Page
Data Carpentry Workshop
Checklist from rOpenSci
Also very good:
How to share data with a statistician