
Eric Hare

Plotting with Layers


Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill


NOAA Data:

US Fisheries and Wildlife Data:

Both data sets have geographic coordinates for ever observation

Loading NOAA Data

NOAA data is a .rdata file so we need to read it specially:

  1. Download the data from
  2. Run the getwd() command to find your current working directory
  3. Place noaa.rdata in the directory from step 2.
  4. Run the command below:



Lets take a peek at the top of the floats NOAA data.

head(floats, n = 2)[,1:5]
##   callSign Date_Time JulianDay Time_QC Latitude
## 1 Q4901043 7/12/2010   2455390       1   24.823
## 2 Q4901043 7/12/2010   2455390       1   24.823
head(floats, n = 2)[,6:10]
##   Longitude Position_QC Depth Depth_QC Temperature
## 1   -87.964           1     2        1       29.83
## 2   -87.964           1     4        1       29.65
head(floats, n = 2)[,11:14]
##   Temperature_QC Salinity Salinity_QC  Type
## 1              1    36.59           1 Float
## 2              1    36.58           1 Float

Floats Plot

qplot(Longitude, Latitude, colour = callSign, data = floats) + 


qplot(Longitude, Latitude, colour = callSign, data = gliders) + 


qplot(Longitude, Latitude, colour = callSign, data = boats) + 


This data has the same context - a common time and common place


To give you an idea…

states <- map_data("state")

ggplot() +
    geom_path(data = states, aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group)) + 
    geom_point(data = floats, aes(x = Longitude, y = Latitude, colour = callSign)) +   
    geom_point(aes(x, y), shape = "x", size = 5, data = rig) + 
    geom_text(aes(x, y), label = "BP Oil Rig", 
              size = 5, data = rig, hjust = -0.1) + 
    xlim(c(-91, -80)) + ylim(c(22,32)) + coord_map()

More Layering

What is a Plot?

Floats Decomposed

aesthetic mapping
x Longitude
y Latitude
color CallSign

Floats Decomposed (Continued)

aesthetic scale
x continuous
y continuous
color discrete

Facetting: None

qplot() vs ggplot()

qplot() stands for “quickplot”:

ggplot() stands for “grammar of graphics plot”

qplot() and ggplot() for Floats

Two ways to construct the same plot for float locations:

qplot(Longitude, Latitude, colour = callSign, data = floats) 


ggplot(data = floats, 
       aes(x = Longitude, y = Latitude, colour = callSign)) +
  geom_point() + 
  scale_x_continuous() + 
  scale_y_continuous() + 

We can shorten that a bit

We fortunately don’t need to be so verbose - Even ggplot() will automatically pick default scales:

ggplot(data = floats, 
       aes(x = Longitude, y = Latitude, colour = callSign)) +

What is a Layer?

A layer added ggplot() can be a geom…

… or a position adjustment to the scales

Layer Examples

Plot Geom Stat
Scatterplot point identity
Histogram bar bin count
Smoother line + ribbon smoother function
Binned Scatterplot rectangle + color 2d bin count

More geoms described at

Piecing Things Together

Want to build a map using NOAA data

The Result

ggplot() +
    geom_path(data = states, aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group)) + 
    geom_point(data = floats, aes(x = Longitude, y = Latitude, colour = callSign)) +   
    geom_point(aes(x, y), shape = "x", size = 5, data = rig) + 
    geom_text(aes(x, y), label = "BP Oil Rig", size = 5, data = rig, hjust = -0.1) + 
    xlim(c(-91, -80)) + 
    ylim(c(22, 32)) + coord_map()

Your turn

  1. Read in the animal.csv data:
  2. animal <- read.csv("")
  3. Plot the location of animal sightings on a map of the region
  4. On this plot, try to color points by class of animal and/or status of animal